Hardware cosmetology: overcoming misconceptions

26 February 2023
Hardware cosmetology: overcoming misconceptions

External appearance is one of the main factors that shape the image of every person.

Fortunately, in our modern age, it is not difficult to look young and beautiful regardless of our age. Nowadays, there are many cosmetological and medical aesthetic procedures to achieve an ideal appearance, regardless of our age. Although the desire to look beautiful is high, there is not much time for recovery after certain interventions. That's why there is a high demand for hardware cosmetology in aesthetic medicine today.

Thanks to the modern scientific beauty of the last year, he made numerous inventions and gave the world unique: SMAS-lifting Ulthera System, Zelting cryolipolysis, and Fraxel fractional photothermolysis. Every problem in our appearance can be solved with hardware procedures: rashes and acnes, bruises, spots, excess weight, postpartum cracks and cellulite. In addition, all procedures are almost completely painless and give a high result in a minimum time. Despite the positive results of all these hardware procedures and the positive reviews of users, everything new has its opponents, and it is not necessary to use each of these devices to express their dissatisfaction. As they say "The world is full of rumours".

For example, many negative opinions about cosmetological procedures and hardware technology are spoken in the media today. It should be remembered that cosmetology is a huge science that includes many different methods.

Before being ignorant and blacklisting hardware procedures without any reason, let's clarify if there is a reason to do so.

Apparatus cosmetology is not harmful to health

First of all, it should be noted that hardware procedures affect the human body with physical factors: laser beam, electric current, electromagnetic field, vacuum and ultrasound. The effects of the listed methods on the human body have been studied for a long time and are used in various medical fields. Although apparatus cosmetology is a new field, it includes dermatological, microbiological, chemical, biological, dietological and other medical fields. Also, the device is adjusted according to the physiological rhythm of the human body, which means that it does not have any harmful effects on the body.

For example, the Ulthera System ultrasound SMAS-lifting, tested across the ocean in the Harvard laboratory of the United States, is famous all over the world. The safety and effectiveness of the SMAS-lifting device has been confirmed by the FDA, the world's leading organization that controls the safety of medical devices. Also, the famous Fraxel-laser device is used for the treatment of periorbital wrinkles for the first time, receiving 8 approvals for medical use by the FDA.

Compared to plastic surgery and needle methods, hardware methods are less effective.

Today, the effectiveness of hardware procedures has been proven by experiments, and the most striking indicator of this is patient satisfaction. In addition, the devices have a positive difference from surgical and injection methods: anesthesia is not required, there is no risk of cuts and infection, and there is no scar. Thanks to the device technology, it was possible to inject active substances into the deep layer of the skin without damaging the skin, to hair follicles and melanin synthesis, and to reduce fat accumulation. In the physiological factor, it should be taken into account that the results and effects obtained from the procedures depend on the individual characteristics of the patient. Someone with less body fat will definitely get faster results from a body contouring procedure than someone who is morbidly obese. And therefore, in order for the patient not to have negative thoughts about the effectiveness of the hardware procedure, the doctors should give them an honest prognosis along with the time when they will get the result. Because the correctly chosen method not only has an effective effect, but also affects the deep layer of the skin and helps to solve many aesthetic problems.

Hardware coemstology has many contraindications and therefore the patient population is small

Of course, there are certain limits to the use of hardware procedures. But be sure that today's usual cleaning and coating procedures have such contraindications. Prohibition of hardware procedures: cardiovascular diseases, endocrinological diseases, malignant tumors, pregnancy, breastfeeding, high fever. And most importantly, entrust your health and appearance to highly qualified specialists. An experienced doctor will make various observations on the patient, collect a certain history, and recommend a procedure that will not harm him, but will be beneficial.

Hardware procedures are only used at a certain age

In fact, the age limit for the use of hardware procedures is wide: from 18 years to 60 years. Most of the patients are middle-aged, since the hardware procedures are more aimed at rejuvenation. Advanced technology provides effective methods suitable for all ages.

Long-term and numerous sessions are necessary to achieve the desired result

This is not true! Hardware technology is regularly updated, and it is possible to see the result of the treatment in a short time. And, of course, the physical characteristics of the patient have an effect on the result. In one, the positive result is felt from the first session, while in the other, it is felt after several sessions. Let's face it, even after plastic surgery, it is impossible for me to see such a change at that moment. After each surgical operation, it takes 2 weeks to 1 month for recovery and rehabilitation.

Before - After - Stay away from fakes!

This is no longer a hypothesis, but a fact! The high quality and beautiful result have turned counterfeiters into a source of income by exploiting people who trust the device procedures, and thanks to this, cheap channels of popular cosmetic devices have started to appear. For example, in Ukraine and Russia, you can find Korean-made Ulthera System equipment, of course, the result and quality are incomparable. Of course. Such fake devices will not only not give the desired result, but will also harm your health.

Recently Fraxel fractional photothermolysis procedure is very popular. Often this procedure is called laser polishing, but this is misleading. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is used in laser resurfacing, which partially or completely burns the top layer of the skin. It takes a long time to heal. Fraxel laser affects only the micro-parts of the skin without damaging the skin. Today, many clinics around the world, including the "Nucu Cosmetic" clinic, use the DUAL device, the third generation of the Fraxel device. This model differs from other "traumatic" devices by its effectiveness. The procedure is almost completely painless, the effect of the fractional laser is strictly dosed, and the recovery time is minimal.

But be careful! Under the name of Fraxel store DUAL device, "unscrupulous" entrepreneurs use old, painful and even fake Fraxel device. And the result is a negative perception of the procedure, and deluded patients are left dissatisfied at best. In the worst case, the scars left after such a Fraxel "rejuvenation" procedure are long-lasting. In order to avoid such cases of deception, you can inquire about the authenticity of the device presented to you from the official distributors of the cosmetic and medical devices you are interested in. As you can see, the negative view of hardware cosmetology is unfounded and many fears are fiction and rumours. The effect of hardware technology is really in great demand among patients due to its high advantages in the fight against age and aesthetic problems. But the main condition is that the hardware technology shows its positive effect only when it is carried out under the supervision of a professional cosmetologist and only in high-level clinic conditions and is considered completely safe.